Milk Sensing Device
Connected MyLee App.
Meet MyLee
A milk sensing device and App, for personal feedback on milk supply establishment, and guidance throughout the first weeks of breastfeeding
Take a peek inside our MyLee
Be on top of your breastfeeding progress
Track your breastfeeding progress and milk supply establishment by testing just a few breast-milk drops with the MyLee device

Scan your milk progress
Perform daily milk scans from each breast using the MyLee Device, and understand how effective is your breastfeeding as reflected in your milk maturation status compared with data from other MyLee users. Track day-to-day progress within the first days to weeks after birth. Get color indications, tips and personal goals based on your milk index status & dynamic. .
Be informed
Get curated daily Tips & Education Videos for good breastfeeding practice. Starting from the first days. Matched to baby age.
Follow baby's Weight gain
Follow early baby's weights, get weights gain calculations and insights based on WHO percentile tables for breastfeeding babies.
Get more
Get personal enhanced insights, charts, tips and alerts based on YOUR breastfeeding habits & YOUR baby reported indicators. Insights regarding feeds, naps, diapers, breastfeeding sessions, pumping, confidence and more. The more you log the personal it gets.
help avoid Breast engorgement
Perform daily milk scans, and get early signs of regression, milk stasis or breast engorgements, a condition that may lead to inflammation.
share with a care contact
Add a care contact, and SHARE your unique comprehensive report with lactation consultant or other care provider with a single click.
MyLee system is not a medical device, and is not intended to diagnose or treat any clinical condition, or to substitute for a healthcare provider’s consultation.
These reports are not intended to tell you anything about your or your baby’s current state of health, or to be used to make medical decisions, including whether or not you should take a medical treatment. Our insights can help you monitor and manage your breastfeeding care and milk supply, and provide suggestions for improving the breastfeeding mom’s care. It is advised to consult with a lactation consultant or a medical health provider about your reports.