MyLee by MyMilk Labs

Nuts-chestnuts (roasted)

Nuts, Chestnuts (roasted) 1 cup of Nuts-chestnuts (roasted) (143g) has 0.711mg vitamin B6, which is 35% of the vitamin RDA for lactating women. % Vitamin daily requirement while breastfeeding (serving size: 1cup (143g)) B6 35% Find a recipe with chestnuts here follow MyMilk Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin

Black beans (cooked)

Black beans (cooked) Serving size of 1 cup (172g) Black beans (cooked) has 0.400 mg vitamin B1, which is 28% of the daily vitamin recommendations (RDA) for lactating women.  % Vitamin daily requirement while breastfeeding (serving size: 1 cup (172g)) B1 28% Find a recipe with black beans here Back follow MyMilk Read more…

Beef ground (cooked)

Beef ground (cooked) Serving of 3oz (85g) Beef ground (cooked)  also have 2.390mcg Vitamin B12, which is 85% of the daily vitamin B12 recommendations (RDA) for lactating women. Serving size of 3oz (85g) Beef ground (cooked) also has 0.300 mg vitamin B6, which is 15% of the daily vitamin RDA for Read more…

Chicken Breast (cooked)

Chicken breast (cooked) Serving of 1/2 breast (140g) has 0.602mg Vitamin B6, which is 30% of the vitamin RDA for lactating women. 1/2 breast also supply  0.204 Vitamin B2, another priority 1 vitamin, which is 12% of vitamin B2 RDA for lactating women. % Vitamin daily requirement while breastfeeding (serving size: Read more…

Fish, Salmon (cooked)

Fish, Salmon (cooked) Serving size of 30z (85g) salmon fish has 0.300 mg vitamin B1, which is 21% of the daily vitamin B1 recommendations (RDA) for lactating women. 1/2 fillet (155g) supply 38% of vitamin RDA. Serving of 1/2 fillet (155g) of salmon fish  is also a good source of other Read more…

Fish, Halibut (cooked)

Fish, Halibut (cooked) serving size of 1/2 fillet (159g) Halibut Fish (cooked) has 0.537mg Vitamin B6, which is 26% of vitamin RDA for lactating women. Halibut fish is a good source of other priority 1 nutrients for lactating women. % Vitamin daily requirement while breastfeeding (serving size:1/2 fillet (159g)) B6 26% B12 Read more…