Vitamin B12 Food Source
make sure you get enough vitamin B12 in your diet by eating vitamin B12 rich foods
Vitamin B12 Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for lactating women is 2.8mcg. This means you should eat 2.8 mcg of the vitamin every day.
Here are several good options for Vitamin B12 rich food fit to your diet habits. Eating of several of those daily, can help in reaching the daily recommendations.


Yogurt (lowfat)
Yogurt (lowfat) Serving size of 1cup (245g) yogurt (low fat) has 1.370mcg vitamin B12, which is 48% of the daily vitamin RDA for lactating women. Yogurt (lowfat) can also be a good source for other


Milk (low fat)
Serving size of 1cup (244g) milk (low fat) has 1.150mcg vitamin B12, which is 41% of the daily vitamin RDA for lactating women.